Странные статуи и скульптуры (15 фото)
Эта установлена в Мельбурне (Австралия)
Vomiting Fountain Sculpture (London, UK)
Device to Root Out Evil (Calgary, Canada)
Designed by Dennis Oppenheim. Located in the neighbourhood of Ramsay, Calgary, Canada.
Traffic Light Tree (London, UK)
Designed by Pierre Vivant, “Traffic Light Tree” has 75 sets of traffic lights. The sculpture was created to mimic a tree structure and reflect the energy of the developing Canary Wharf area.
Skull (Prague, Czech Republic)
A really odd sculpture, that is said to be “inspired” by the works of Kafka.
Peeing Guys by D. Cerny (Prague, Czech Rep.)
Nation for Itself Forever by D. Cerny
Disturbing Ballerina Man (Los Angeles, CA, USA)
Engagement Rings (Vancouver, Canada)
Skeletons In Love (Nong Khai, N.E. Thailand)
Wursa 18000Km From Earth (France)
Giant Tap
Tubingen Microbiology Institute (Germany)
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